The HELP Committee is a group of employee volunteers who work with The Springbrook Foundation to provide financial assistance to applicants who receive services from Springbrook or Southern Tier Connect, with funding primarily awarded to individuals with emerging health and safety needs. The HELP committee provides financial assistance year-round and usually fields 80+ requests during the holiday season to help make the holidays brighter for people Springbrook supports. The HELP Committee awards approximately $8,000 around the holidays and about $15,000 annually and is wholly donor-funded. On average, the committee awards roughly $200 – $1000 for each request in times of need.

Financial assistance from the HELP Committee is given for various reasons and serves a direct need in the person’s life. Last year, the HELP Committee provided financial aid to a pair of siblings who had recently suffered a house fire. Within a few days, the committee had checks in the mail to the family, providing relief in a painful, stressful time.

The committee has also supported assistive technology needs in the community, like offsetting the cost of an AngelSense device with a monthly membership. AngelSense includes a GPS tracking device, live monitoring, and an alert system to prevent wandering and elopement. This device was delivered to a home where caretakers and the service recipient immediately benefitted because it ensured their safety each time they left home without supervision.

If you would like to support the HELP Committee this holiday season, please make a gift by visiting the button below.

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Tamara Sines

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