Today we recognize Jessica Symonds, a registered nurse (RN) at Springbrook, for her 15-year milestone accomplishment. One of Jessica’s favorite memories as an RN at Springbrook is the day a resident left the hospital after weeks of being there. As Jessica drove out of the parking garage with the resident, she noticed they were smiling for the first time in weeks. The sun shone through the window, and the resident cried tears of happiness. In that moment, Jessica witnessed all the tension from the hospital stay being released from the resident’s mind and body. They listened to music the whole way home, and Jessica remembers this as an amazing moment and day.
Working at Springbrook has taught Jessica the value of each moment, big or small. She has learned to value failures as much as successes because every experience leads to learning and growth. Thank you, Jessica, for providing support and comfort for the people who receive services from Springbrook.
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Tamara Sines

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