The parents of Michael Cairn, a resident of the Stone Quarry community home, recently wrote to Heather Schneider, the current interim assistant director, to express their gratitude for all of the staff at Stone Quarry for the care that they have provided for Michael. For families, maintaining contact between themselves and family members utilizing the services provided by Springbrook can be challenging at times, but direct support professionals work to keep the lines of communications open and available. For Michael’s parents, the helpful demeanor of staff and their commitment to making and maintaining meaningful connections has meant that they are able to communicate with Michael on a daily basis.

And it’s not just Michael’s parents who are praising the staff at Stone Quarry. In the past few weeks, the house has had calls from family members and loved ones with regards to the warmth and knowledge with which direct support professionals approach them and the people for whom they care most, as well as the commitment that DSPs have taken to get to know and understand Michael and others so that their needs are met.

While these actions—making meaningful connections and keeping communication open—are especially important every day of the year, they are even more important around Valentine’s day, when we are given the opportunity to share our expressions of gratitude openly with those that affect our life and the lives of those we hold dear. Today, we would like to thank YOU, parents and advocates, for sharing your heartfelt reflections and thoughts with us.

Stone Quarry

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