Take a look at an exemplary employee, Tanyette Bassknight. Tanyette is an Assistant House Manager at LeChase House, and she loves her job. When discussing her responsibilities, Tanyette says, “Working in direct care gives my life purpose. I have learned so much about myself and found the patience to learn, teach, and live a more fulfilling life with fewer excuses. I am, overall happier on a daily basis” She adds, “I love being able to give my staff the support they need to accomplish their job. I love cooking meals and providing tasty treats and meals that keep students happy while proving them with nourishment. I also love working 4 days and having 3 off!”

Tanyette not only exemplifies what it means to be a wonderful employee, but she also expresses the fantastic benefits of working in an environment like Springbrook. Thank you Tanyette, for all your hard work, thoughtfulness, and dedication to your job. join our team and become a DSP today!


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